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Physicaltherapyscience.com- News - Cancer Rehabilitation in the Pediatric and Adolescent/Young Adult Population

Cancer Rehabilitation in the Pediatric and Adolescent/Young Adult Population

The relevance of rehabilitation in children and adolescents grows exponentially as the incidence and chances of survival increase. It is estimated that in the United States there are more than 420,000 cancer survivors in children and 15,000 children and adolescents are diagnosed each year.
As the chances of survival continue to improve, more attention is needed to the quality of life (QOL) that these children will get. treatment and treatment of cancer. Functional limitations in physical and cognitive domains are reported by children throughout the cancer care trajectory. The functional impact includes all ages and diseases. These range from very young children under 4 years of age with leukemia and lymphomas to adolescents and young adults with leukemia, sarcomas, or central nervous system (CNS) tumors.
The aim of this study is to identify physical, rehabilitation, and activity restrictions in children, adolescents, and young adults with cancer prone to rehabilitation, and to provide recommended referral information for screening, assessment, and rehabilitation for the healthcare community.
Data for this study has been collected by reviewing the literature on rehabilitation and pediatric oncology with regard to functional limitations in combination with clinical expertise of practicing rehabilitation therapists and physiotherapist in pediatric oncology. Rehabilitation intervention has a lot of potential to reduce the impact of cancer and its treatment and may even play a role in reducing morbidity and mortality.
In the pediatric cancer population, all health care providers play a role in optimizing the function and quality of life. For example, nurses must use subjective and clinical screening to identify rehabilitation people, collaborate with the rehabilitation team, and also support patients and families in complying with rehabilitation recommendations.

Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 2019. Lynn Tanner et al

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