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Physicaltherapyscience.com- News - Publish your Article, Case Report or Expert Opinion

Publish your Article, Case Report or Expert Opinion

The international association for Physical Therapy & Science accepts articles, case reports and expert opinions in English (physicalherapyscience.com) and Dutch (fysiotherapiewetenschap.com).

Published work has to meet up to our author guidelines, but submitting is easy, it’s free of charge and will be openly accessible (findable and spread through social media) for every colleague and scientist. In total the Physical Therapy & Science assocation has more than 40.000 followers worldwide.

Author Guidelines:   English  |  Dutch

Physical Therapy Science

Physical Therapy


The effects of reducing the frequency of long-term physiotherapy on patiënts with severe COPD: a Dutch multicenter study

The Physical Therapy & Science Association (F&W) performed a study on the consequences of reducing the frequency of longterm...

Case report

False negative thoracic x-ray

F&W Case Report 2013; 7: 1
Patient, a man of 58 years old, consult a physiotherapist with complaints of cramp and very severe back pain level T6-T10 and radiating...

Expert opinion

Exercise adherence in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

F&W Expert Opinion 2024; 2: 1
Introduction Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, with an economic and...